Gun Industry

Gun Ownership EXPLODES: 22.3 Million New Gun Owners Since 2020 - Equal To Entire Population Of Florida
While gun grabbers continue to try to curtail gun ownership, their efforts are clearly not working. Read More.
Firearm Industry Experiences Significant Growth in Economic Impact Over the Past Decade
The American firearms industry is alive and well.  According to a report by Jim Grant of AmmoLand, the total economic impact of the firearm industry went from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $70.52 billion in 2021. Similarly, the total number of full-time equivalent jobs grew from roughly 166,000 to over 375,819 in that same time period, which represented a 126% increase. Read More.
American Gun Company Announces “Break-Up” With Mark Zuckerberg in Gab Video on Valentine’s Day
American firearm company Shield Arms celebrated Valentine’s Day by announcing their break-up with Mark Zuckerberg. Read More.
OREGON: Gun Grabbers Introduce Bill to Tax Guns as Luxury Items
HB 4079, known as the Oregon Freedom Pilot Program, would add a 3% tax on items deemed a “luxury,” and then hand that money to low-income individuals. Read More.
In 2021, There Were Over 5.4 Million First-Time Firearms Buyers
The past two years have shown the world why America is unique among countries when it comes to gun ownership. Americans flocked to gun stores in record numbers to get strapped in the wake of the mayhem that followed the death of George Floyd. Read More.
There’s More to Mexico’s Gun Trafficking Problems than Meets the Eye
Mexico has a lot of explaining to do when it comes to the lawsuit that it’s filing against American manufacturers. In its lawsuit, the Mexican government alleges that American firearms manufacturers are responsible for the country’s rampant crime. Read More.
New Study Shows Millions of People Acquiring Firearms for the First Time
It’s not just pro-gun outlets who are acknowledging the growing gun sales boom taking place across America. Research from Northeastern University Professor of Health Sciences and Epidemiology professor Matt Miller Read More.
17 Gun Companies are Leaving for Friendlier States
There are some states in America that are minefields for any gun-related activity. Just ask firearms companies what it’s like operating under anti-gun blue states. At this juncture in American history, living in a blue state is a nightmare for anyone who believes in freedom. Read More.
Gun Buyers Left Their Mark on 2021 Black Friday
If there is one thing that can be said with absolute certainty in American politics, Americans aren’t going to be giving up their guns so easily. Since the Wuhan virus lockdowns kicked off in 2020, gun sales have increased at astronomical rates. Add in the rising crime rates and unrest, and you have the recipe for one of the biggest pro-Second Amendment shopping sprees in American history. Read More.
Louisiana Punishes JP Morgan for its Anti-Second Amendment Activism by Blocking it from Multimillion Bond Deal
Big Business is no friend of the Second Amendment. If the past few decades have shown us anything, corporate America has no desire to defend Americans’ God-given freedoms such as the right to bear arms Read More.
Intruder Shot And Killed After Breaking Into The Wrong Atlanta Apartment
When a midtown Atlanta man arrived home late on Wednesday night, he was shocked to find 41-year old William Penny in his apartment. But instead of becoming a victim, the resident opened fire, killing the criminal. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports: “Investigators remained at the scene into Thursday afternoon at The Mark Atlanta apartments on […] Read More.
The ACLU Calls for Infringing on the Second Amendment to Allegedly Protect the First Amendment
The American Civil Liberties Union used to be one of the more principled proponents of civil liberties in America. Their steadfast defense of the First Amendment rights of controversial organizations such as neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan earned it significant street cred among many politicos. However, as Cam Edwards of Bearing Arms observed, the […] Read More.
New California Law Attacks the Privacy Rights of Gun Owners
Gun owners in California will now be facing a new set of infringements on their right to bear arms and privacy  after the passage of a new law that allows gun violence researchers to have access to California gun owners’ personal information. According to a report by Jake Fogleman at The Reload, California Governor Gavin […] Read More.
Gun Grabbers Sneak in Red Flag Gun Confiscation Order to 2022 National Defense Authorization Act
When gun grabbers can’t pass direct forms of gun control, they have to get sneaky. On September 24, 2021, the U.S House passed the National Defense Authorization Act for the fiscal year 2022. Seems like a harmless defense spending bill, right? Well there was a major catch to this bill that many people overlooked. According […] Read More.
New Study Shows that Women Make Up Roughly Half of New Gun Owners
According to a 2021 report from the National Firearms Survey, since 2019 roughly 3.4 million American women have purchased a firearm for the first time. 4 million men bought firearms for the first time in this time period.  Cam Edwards of Bearing Arms noted that “new survey’s total number of new gun owners is far […] Read More.

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