The National Association for Gun Rights Calls Out Alabama’s Sheriff Association for Opposing Constitutional Carry

Alabama is one of the next states that’s expected to pass Constitutional Carry, the simple concept that any lawful individual can carry a firearm without having to beg the government for permission.
According to Yellow Hammer News, over 40 House Republicans have vowed to support said legislation which would eliminate the requirement that law-abiding citizens must be subjected to in order to purchase a pistol permit. 
Several State Representatives such as Andrew Sorrell and Shane Stringer have introduced their respective Constitutional Carry bills, House Bill 44 and House Bill 66.
 In the Alabama Senate, State Senator Gerald Allen and State Senator Tim Melson have introduced Constitutional Carry bills Senate Bill 1 and Senate Bill 12, respectively.
From the initial signs of the Constitutional Carry activity that’s taking place within the Alabama State Legislature, it looks like Alabama is poised to pass this legislation in 2022.
The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), an organization’s whose value proposition centers around passing Constitutional Carry one state legislature at a time, has plans of maintaining a strong presence in this political fight. 
NAGR President Dudley Brown published a press release calling on grassroots Second Amendment supporters to pressure elected officials to pass said legislation.
“For the first time in a decade, the Alabama Legislature appears primed to pass a solid piece of pro-gun legislation,” stated Brown. “But the citizens of Alabama must keep the pressure on their elected officials and urge them to make Alabama the next Constitutional Carry state.”
Brown has made it clear that NAGR will make noise about passing Constitutional Carry in the Alabama state legislature.
“For far too long the Alabama legislature has done nothing to restore gun rights which have been unconstitutionally taxed and regulated,” Brown proclaimed. “But we’ve made passing Constitutional Carry into law our number one priority in state legislatures all around the country — and we’ll keep lobbying in Alabama until it’s done.”
However, there are challenges that lie ahead. 
For example, the Alabama Sheriffs Association (ASA) has come out against Constitutional Carry. This has provoked a firm response from NAGR leadership.
“It’s sad that certain sheriffs are actually fighting against restoring gun rights to law-abiding Alabamians,” stated Brown. 
“Constitutional Carry laws simply recognize what we all know to be true – that the government should not force you to get a permit in order to carry a handgun.”
NAGR believes that the ASA’s opposition to constitutional carry makes it a strange bedfellow with Moms Demand Action, a leftist pro-civilian disarmament organization.
ASA’s opposition to constitutional carry is centered on how said law allegedly causes increases in crime and prevents individuals from acquiring permits on a voluntary basis. 
However, NAGR has shown data which points to constitutional carry states being the safest in the nation. In addition, NAGR stresses that Constitutional Carry laws have no negative impact on permits.

In his concluding remark, Brown declared, “Spreading lies and inciting fear in an attempt to kill a pro-gun bill is the same kind of underhanded tactics we see from radical leftists across the nation. It’s a shame that many sheriffs in Alabama have resorted to this. That’s why we’re mobilizing our members in supporters in Alabama – cranking up the pressure to make Alabama the 22nd Constitutional Carry state.”
No matter the state, passing Constitutional Carry will always be a challenge. Nothing in this political game is a walk in the park. It will require people to put in work and press their elected officials to respect the rights of their constituents. 

It’s organizations like NAGR and similar-minded bands of people who make legislation like Constitutional Carry a reality. The quicker people take proactive measures in asserting their presence in state legislatures, the quicker political change can be realized. 

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