Los Angeles County DA Demands Credit Card Companies BLOCK Gun Kit Purchases

Gun control comes in many forms. In other words, it doesn’t exclusively come through conventional legislative means.

Gun Control Inc. has recognized this as evidenced by its efforts to recruit corporate America to be private enforcers of gun control.
According to a report by AWR Hawkins at Breitbart News, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón is urging three prominent credit card companies to not approve payments for gun kits bought online.

Gascón views the acquisition of gun parts kits as a significant step towards the construction of “ghost guns.”

In a statement Gascón published on February 8, 2022, the LA County DA declared:

American Express, Mastercard and Visa have the ability to go beyond what any law enforcement agency, legislature or city council can accomplish. We are asking these companies to join us in stemming the flow of ghost guns into our communities by preventing a ghost gun kit from being sold with a few mere clicks on a smartphone or computer.

According to a KTLA report, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore and San Gabriel Police Chief Gene Harris are both in favor of Gascon’s plan.

Gascón believes that if American Express, Mastercard, and Visa teamed up to fight against “ghost guns” public safety would improve.

Hawkins provided a lurid overview of what gun control in California looks like:

California is already the most gun controlled state in the Union. Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety ranks California as “No. 1 in the country for gun law strength.”

California has an “assault weapons” ban, universal background checks, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, gun registration requirements, a red flag law, a limit on the number of guns law-abiding citizens can buy each month, a ban on campus carry for self-defense, a ban on K-12 teachers being armed for classroom defense, and controls on ammunition and ammunition sales, among other things.

According to Guns & Ammo magazine’s best states for gun owners rankings, California is ranked in 47th place. The state is thoroughly anti-gun.

However, even in blue states, there are limits to what legislators can conventionally pass. So Gun Control Inc. has to get creative. One way they’ll get creative is by pushing private companies to do their anti-gun bidding.

Gun owners must be prepared for these kinds of privatized anti-gun attacks. The most effective way to combat this is through coordinated boycotts against anti-Second Amendment corporations, which will send a strong message that any anti-gun actions will result in substantial economic damage.

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George Gascon by State of Public Safety Address is licensed under YouTube

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