Earlier last week, Louis Valdes, the Florida Director for Gun Owners of America, published a video where he confronted Brannon, the Chairman of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee. This is the key committee where Constitutional Carry will be heard.
Valdes and the orgs he was partnering with — the Republican Liberty Caucus — were gathering and delivering petitions to offices in the Florida Capitol. Some of these activists arrived at Brannan’s office and dropped off the petitions there.
However, once the activists dropped off the petitions and left, things got a bit more interesting. The legislative assistant who interacted with the Second Amendment activists apparently tossed the petitions into the trash can.
Valdes questioned one of Brannon’s assistants about why he threw away the petitions. The aide, who was visibly uncomfortable, refused to answer.
In all likelihood, Brannon instructed his assistant to destroy these petitions because he felt uncomfortable after being pressured by staunch pro-Second Amendment activists. This act of throwing petitions away likely constitutes illegal behavior per Florida’s public record laws.
Truth be told, politicians must be made uncomfortable if they want to see genuine political change. That’s the nature of confrontational politics. Florida activists will have to put Brannon down as a squishy Republican who must be pressured constantly. That’s how the game goes and those who refuse to play it will be in for a whole bunch of disappointment.
José Niño is a freelance writer and political analyst based in Austin, Texas. Sign up for his mailing list here . Contact him via Facebook or Twitter. Get his premium newsletter on political strategy here. Subscribe to his Substack here.
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