Joe Biden Promises to Ban "Assault Weapons" If Democrats Pick Up Senate Seats During the 2022 Midterms

The stakes for the 2022 midterms have been raised ever since Joe Biden promised that so-called “assault weapons” would be banned if Democrats pick up two more Senate seats on November 8, 2022. 

During a rally in Rockville, Maryland on August 25, 2022, Biden made this announcement. 

According to The Washington Post, Biden said the following: 

I want to be crystal clear about what’s on the ballot this year…Your right to choose is on the ballot this year. The Social Security you paid for from the time you had a job is on the ballot. The safety of our kids from gun violence is on the ballot.

The sick joke here is that the category of “assault weapons” is as arbitrary as it gets. It’s basically a ploy by Gun Control Inc. to justify civilian disarmament just because certain firearms look intimidating. The amusing part is that the AR-15, one of the gun controllers’ favorite targets, is an everyday firearm that millions of lawful Americans use. 

According to AWR Hawkins of Breitbart News, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) sent Breitbart a press release that revealed that there are 24,446,000 AR/AK-Style firearms in circulation. There’s nothing special about AR-15s. They’re semi-automatic rifles that normal Americans use for recreational and/or self-defense purposes. 

The weapons of war meme that Biden and his gun control allies perpetuate is all about stoking fears. Nothing more, nothing less. Gun owners would be wise to completely dissect this argument on both logical and emotional grounds. 

Now for the midterms. Obviously, we don’t want Democrats to keep both chambers of Congress, much less expand their lead in places like the Senate. However, we can’t just retire to the comfort of our abodes if Republicans taking back both chambers in  these midterms. 

Historically, Republicans underperform when it comes to protecting, and even expanding our right to bear arms. That’s why it’s critical to hold their feet to the fire when they’re in office. Complacency only encourages bad behavior and gives Gun Control Inc. more time to regroup and relaunch their assaults on the right to bear arms. 

To defeat a relentless opponent like Gun Control Inc. the Second Amendment community must be doubly relentless.  

José Niño is a freelance writer and political analyst based in Austin, Texas. Contact him via Facebook or Twitter
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