Jennifer Lawrence Pushes Gun Control After Making Tens of Millions from Films with On-Screen Firearms

Hollywood can always be relied on to provide the most cliche perspectives on politics. 

In fact, when Hollywood stars begin yammering about firearms policy they not only sound like total elitists who hate the very idea of regular people arming themselves for self-defense, they’re also massive hypocrites on the matter of the right to bear arms.  For one, many actors have starred in films that feature gratuitous amounts of gun violence. These same actors also likely used guns in these films. 
One amusing case deals with Jennifer Lawrence of X-Men and Hunger Games fame. During an interview with  Vogue, Lawrence called for greater gun control. The interview is slated to be dropped on September 12, 2022. In this interview, Lawrence apparently moaned about how “people are still voting for politicians who receive money from the NRA.” 
She continued sounding off , “It blows my mind. I mean if Sandy Hook didn’t change anything? We as a nation just went, Okay! We are allowing our children to lay down their lives for our right to a second amendment that was written over 200 years ago.”
AWR Hawkins brought to our attention how Lawrence has used “guns ranging from pump shotguns to .45 caliber pistols on-screen in four different films.”
According to Internet Movie Firearms Database (IMFDB) notes, Lawrence has used five different firearms in four of the films she has been featured in, which Hawkins outlined below:
She used a 12-gauge, double-barrel shotgun in Winter’s Bone (2010)
She also used a Remington 541 bolt-action rifle in Winter’s Bone
She used a Glock 17 9mm in House at the End of the Street (2012)
She used an M1911A .45 ACP in X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
She used a Remington 870 Shotgun in Joy (2015)
Lawrence was particularly rattled by the Supreme Court’s  New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc, v. Bruen decision which struck down New York State’ proper cause requirement for concealed carry. Lawrence viewed this ruling as a mechanism for expanding gun rights. r
According to Vogue, Lawrence was “incensed” by this ruling. This is to be expected. We have to remember that Hollywood stars are multimillionaires who have the luxury of turning to private security for self-defense purposes. On top of that, there’s a class element to Hollywood’s antipathy towards the right to bear arms.
The Second Amendment allows for people of all economic, political, racial, and backgrounds to exercise their right to bear arms. This angers the elite classes who view most of the populace as rubes who are incapable of defending themselves much less govern themselves.
This conceit animates the present-day ruling class. The good news is that there’s a growing, parallel elite who are ready to challenge the present set of rulers.
A dissenting elite, or an aspiring elite who believes in freedom, is 100% necessary to have if we want to realize genuine political change. Politics is still an elite’s game. When push comes to shove, we need to have the right elites on our side in order for us to restore our freedoms. 

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