Instagram Censors Ohio Firearms Manufacturer

It goes without saying: Big Tech hates the Second Amendment.

The consortium of social media companies that dominate America's social media space are either controlled by thoroughly leftist management and/or incredibly susceptible to outside pressure from radical leftist activists who want these companies to carry out their agenda. Companies like Instagram are no exception to this rule. 

According to a piece that Harold Hutchison posted on AmmoLand earlier this month, Instagram is targeting Hi-Point Firearms.

Instagram specifically targeted a post that is 5 years old. The social media titan took down Hi-Point’s post published on November 10, 2016. In a message that Instagram sent to Hi-Point, it stated that the Ohio-based firearms manufacturer’s post went “Against Our Community Guidelines We removed your post because it goes against our Community Guidelines on sale of illegal or regulated goods.”

Over the past five years, Big Tech has taken it upon itself to serve as a privatized appendage of the managerial state, that works energetically to modify the behavior of any institution that is politically or culturally adjacent to the right. Many Second Amendment organizations became easy targets for the Big Tech Masters of the Universe. The Second Amendment is one of the last vestiges of American freedom that America’s parasitic political elites have yet to conquer.

The Second Amendment’s continued existence obviously infuriates the ruling class. That’s why they’re pulling all stops to destroy this foundational freedom. If they can’t do it through traditional governmental means, they will use willing actors in the private sector to advance their unholy mission.

The Hi-Tek case shows the lengths Big Tech companies will go to enforce the ruling class’s anti-Second Amendment agenda. Gun owners may need to team up with free speech advocates to push for transforming social media companies into public utilities and craft legislation that treats all peaceful online discourse as protected speech. In essence, this would be speech that no government or corporation can infringe upon.

The threats the Second Amendment faces are unique, thereby requiring unique solutions. Now is not the time to fall back on outdated strategies.  

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