Governor Ron DeSantis Calls a Special Session of the Florida State Legislature Where Constitutional Carry Could be on the Agenda

Political leaders generally can’t be trusted these days. More often than not, they’re all talk, but no walk. 

That may be true for 95% of them, give or take, but not for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  DeSantis has raised the stakes by calling for a Special Session on March 29, 2022. In this special session, Constitutional Carry could be on the agenda.

Florida Gun Rights, one of the leading no compromise gun lobbies in the Sunshine State, fully supports DeSantis’ move to help drastically improve Florida’s gun laws. 
“I am thrilled that Gov. DeSantis is calling for a special session in order to pass Constitutional Carry into law,” declared Dudley Brown, the President of the National Association for Gun Rights. “The restoration of the right to bear arms without government infringement is a top priority for our members, and Florida has a chance to join several other states which have passed Constitutional Carry in 2022. This would be a massive victory for gun owners in the Sunshine State.”

Per the Tampa Bay Times, DeSantis stated, ”I would love to have constitutional carry” as part of the special session agenda that was originally dealing with congressional redistricting maps.

In the last week, NAGR and its state affiliate FLGR called on Governor DeSantis to convene a special session in order for Constitutional Carry to receive a public roll vote, and potentially be signed into law.

Yet again, like many other Republican-controlled legislatures, the Florida state legislature failed to push Constitutional Carry through during the regular session of the state legislature. That said, gun owners were able to get several legislators on record in favor of Constitutional Carry. 

Throughout the regular legislative session, DeSantis was in favor of Constitutional Carry and even urged the legislature to pass the legislation.

“A special session is going to happen, and legislators must make passing Constitutional Carry their top priority,” stated Matt Collins, Director of Legislation for Florida Gun Rights. “Florida is on the cusp of freeing millions of law-abiding citizens from the shackles of gun control, and we’ll be engaging our members to lobby their elected officials, demanding that their gun rights be restored.”

2022 has been a strong year for Constitutional Carry as Alabama, Indiana, and Ohio passed this legislation.

Constitutional Carry is the simple concept that any lawful adult who is legally able to own a handgun should be allowed to carry said handgun openly or concealed without having to beg the government for permission.

Leaders like State Representative Anthony Sabatini have led the way by introducing House Bill 103, Florida’s Constitutional Carry bill. He was the main elected official who went the extra mile in pushing Constitutional Carry.

When he heard about DeSantis’ Special Session announcement, Sabatini was elated. On Twitter, he stated “Thank you to the patriots around our State who’ve joined me in keeping this issue at the forefront for the last 3 years
RINOs have killed my Con Carry Bill for 3 years—not this time!”

Sabatini will likely be playing a major role in making sure Florida becomes the next state to pass Constitutional Carry. He will need help, however. After all, this is a state that passed a gun control package, SB 7026, in 2018, with significant Republican support.

As always, it’s up to the grassroots to continue placing heavy pressure on their elected officials to make sure policies like Constitutional Carry get passed. Passive approaches to politics do not result in desired change. When the grassroots turns up the heat on the political class, they end up seeing the light. 

José Niño is a freelance writer and political analyst based in Austin, Texas. Sign up for his mailing list here. Contact him via Facebook or Twitter. Get his premium newsletter on political strategy here. Subscribe to his Substack here.

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