Boulder and a Coalition of Other Anti-Gun Cities in Colorado Want to Create Anti-Second Amendment Safe Spaces

Boulder, Colorado is trying to become an anti-gun safe space. And it’s likely working with other anti-gun cities to realize this anti-constitutional vision. 

Since the Boulder, Colorado mass shooting of March 22, 2021, which saw a deranged individual kill 10 people, Colorado gun control activists have been working overtime to further solidify Colorado's status as one of the most anti-Second Amendment states in the nation.  

Colorado is one of the most anti-gun states in the country. In AZ Defenders’ Gun Friendly Index, Colorado is ranked in 39th place for friendliest states for gun owners. Despite awful gun control laws such as red flag gun confiscation orders, universal background checks, and magazine restrictions on the books in Colorado, a mad man was still able to pull off an atrocity in Boulder.  That’s the thing about gun control. Criminals don’t care about following laws or regulations. 

These harsh facts regarding gun control have not deterred Gun Control Inc. from pushing other gun control schemes in the Rocky Mountain State. According to a post by Rally for Our Rights, the city of Boulder is working with other cities such as Broomfield, Superior, Lyons, Longmont, and Louisville to pass comprehensive gun control regulations.

As a result of this plan that Rally for Our Rights uncovered, the pro-gun organization has submitted Colorado Open Record Act requests to Boulder in addition to other municipalities. In these requests, Rally for Our Rights asked for any correspondence that any individuals in these local governments potentially had among themselves or even outside governments with regards to these plans. The aim of this open records request is to determine which cities are part of this “community plan” so that Rally for Our Rights can stay abreast of these anti-gun municipilaities’ actions.

Rally for Our Rights listed off some of the gun control measures that these cities are proposing:
  • Banning of all open carry inside city limits, including handguns.
  • Banning of concealed carry in “sensitive locations” including government-controlled spaces, places worship, places where alcohol is sold, near or in polling locations or near ballot drop boxes, preschools and daycare centers, banks, theaters, stadiums, and more.
  • Raising the age to purchase a firearm to 21, possibly ban possession for those under 21.
  • 10 Day waiting period to purchase a firearm.
  • Ban on their definition of “Assault Weapons” and magazines over 10 rounds (reinstated) and ban bump stocks (which are already federally prohibited).
  • “Warning signs” about the dangers of firearms and suicide on gun stores and shooting ranges.
  • Ban the possession, carry, use, manufacture, and sale of non-serialized guns (Ghost Guns).

Gun controllers are clever. They understand that conventional means of passing gun control — getting roll call votes at a state legislature — won’t always cut it. 

So they’re going to target cities and slowly create a patchwork of anti-gun jurisdictions within a state. This is the first step in acclimating residents of a particular area in a state to embrace gun control. 

Second Amendment activist groups such as Rally for Our Rights are correct in taking on these battles. Local politics is where bad things start and when those battles are ignored, the Right ends up losing in the long-term. 

José Niño is a freelance writer and political analyst based in Austin, Texas. Sign up for his mailing list here. Contact him via Facebook or Twitter. Get his premium newsletter on political strategy here. Subscribe to his Substack here.

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