Anti-Gun Hypocrites

Rep. Tom Cole Claims To Be Pro-Gun — But Voted For Anti-Gun Red Flag Gun Confiscation Law!
The truth is that Rep. Cole is all talk when it comes to fighting for gun owners. He proved that when he sided with Democrats to sneak a red flag gun confiscation law into the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)! Read More.
Celebrities Protected with Guns Line Up to Demand Gun Control Following Transgender Shooting
Just imagine if these celebrities cared as much about protecting schools as they do their elite award ceremonies, which are protected with an army of armed security? Read More.
Biden in 1985: Criminals Will Get Firearms ‘With or Without Gun Control’
“During my 12 and a half years as a member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.” Read More.
Pro-Gun YouTuber Brandon Herrera Trolls Anti-Gun Protesters, Tricks Them Into Signing Pro-Gun Petition!
He convinced them to sign a pro-gun petition as they were protesting the NRA! Read More.
Moms Demand Action Founder: Gun Owners Only Hate Us ‘Because We’re Women,’ Not Because We Want to Take Their Guns
Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts has a victim complex only rivaled in size by the insane amount of Michael Bloomberg money she spends trying to force her anti-gun agenda onto America. Read More.
Chicago Police Department Held Buyback in Efforts to Destroy Every Firearm it Obtained
The Chicago police department held a gun buyback on December 18, 2021, in which they pledged to destroy every firearm that was handed to them. The event took place at the Christ Universal Temple on South Ashland in Chicago. Read More.
Second Amendment Supporters Must Stop University Efforts to Indoctrinate the Masses Into Embracing Gun Control
As the year comes to a close, we should review some of the most bizarre developments that have taken place in American gun politics. It’s no secret that universities are hostile towards the Second Amendment. After all, these are institutions that are thoroughly leftist in nature. Read More.
Several Posh Neighborhoods are Turning to Private Security as Crime Rises
With how unstable things are becoming in America, several institutions that were generally unheard of in the past are now becoming fixtures of our present political order. Read More.
MEDIA BLACKOUT: Black Man Acquitted on Murder Charges Same Day as Kyle Rittenhouse
He claimed self defense, and was found not guilty. Why is the media silent on this? Read More.
Raphael Warnock Spends Beaucoup Bucks on Private Security While Advocating for Civilian Disarmament
Politicians who claim to fight for the little man usually end up being exposed as total elitists once their life is fully placed under the microscope. Freshman Senator Raphael Warnock is a darling of the Left. As one of Georgia’s new Democrat senators, Warnock is part of the new generation of radical legislators who will strive to eviscerate the Second Amendment. Read More.
Intruder Shot And Killed After Breaking Into The Wrong Atlanta Apartment
When a midtown Atlanta man arrived home late on Wednesday night, he was shocked to find 41-year old William Penny in his apartment. But instead of becoming a victim, the resident opened fire, killing the criminal. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports: “Investigators remained at the scene into Thursday afternoon at The Mark Atlanta apartments on […] Read More.
The ACLU Calls for Infringing on the Second Amendment to Allegedly Protect the First Amendment
The American Civil Liberties Union used to be one of the more principled proponents of civil liberties in America. Their steadfast defense of the First Amendment rights of controversial organizations such as neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan earned it significant street cred among many politicos. However, as Cam Edwards of Bearing Arms observed, the […] Read More.

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