Late last year, the mainstream media became obsessed with so-called “Boogaloo Boys,” following a number of people allegedly affiliated with the group being charged for a plot to kidnap to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. But new court filings claim that it was not the people charged behind the supposed kidnapping plot, but rather the FBI, who had infiltrated the group in order to entrap the men.
The FBI doing something like this shouldn’t be too surprising. When the political establishment is screaming about violent right-wing extremists being around every corner, it creates a serious demand for actual violent right-wing extremism to further that narrative.
But as a new report, from Buzzfeed News of all places, reveals, the entire thing was planned and set up by at least 12 FBI agents working as confidential informants.
FBI agents set up the entire plan, convinced those charged to join them, offered explosives and weapons training, along with access to explosives and weaponry, according to government documents.
Buzzfeed News reports:
“The government has documented at least 12 confidential informants who assisted the sprawling investigation. The trove of evidence they helped gather provides an unprecedented view into American extremism, laying out in often stunning detail the ways that anti-government groups network with each other and, in some cases, discuss violent actions.
An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.
A longtime government informant from Wisconsin, for example, helped organize a series of meetings around the country where many of the alleged plotters first met one another and the earliest notions of a plan took root, some of those people say. The Wisconsin informant even paid for some hotel rooms and food as an incentive to get people to come.”
That Wisconsin FBI agent, an Iraq War Veteran who went by “Mark,” became so involved in the group he rose to being second in command, and is accused by those charged of masterminding the entire kidnapping plot.
Government agents are known to engage in such behavior. It was an ATF agent who convinced Randy Weaver to shorten the barrel of his shotgun before killing his wife, son, and dog in the infamous Ruby Ridge siege.
As the Biden Administration continues to freak out about so-called right wing extremism, situations like these are a virtual certainty.
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